Thursday, October 20, 2011

Take Life by the Horns and Charge with my LIFE MAKING, JUMP STARTING, GET UP and GRAB IT SMOOTHIE!

Life is all about being the BEST YOU, you can possibly be, and making the most out of each and everyday! Balancing a career, family, friendships, a relationship, and time for yourself can be difficult at the times, and waking up every morning ready to jump out of bed to start your day isn't alway easy (especially after a few too many wines the night before)!

Don't get me wrong I love coffee, but caffeine is purely a stimulant which will give you a kick, but will leave you needing yet another kick later on in the day! In reality, your body craves REAL FUEL in the form of ENERGY and NUTRIENTS to create daily inspiration from within, which will make for a productive, happy and balanced life. I believe happiness is from within, and for me that begins in my tummy! Feed your tummy the right things and your body will glow from head to toe!

So here is my:


It will give you the physical energy and mind power to grab your day by the horns and charge through it like a PRO!!!Now don't let its color fool you! The nutrient rich Green Powder gives the smoothie a green color, but taste wise; you won't even know it is there!!!

Serves 1
1 Ripe banana-
(Peeled, chopped and frozen) *See note
1/2 Ripe mango-
(Peeled, chopped and frozen) *See note
1 cup Almond milk -
(Skim milk if almond milk is unavailable)
1 scoop Protein powder (I love banana or vanilla flavor)
1 scoop Greens powder **See note
1 tsp Flax seed *** See note
1/2 cup Low fat + low sugar, vanilla yoghurt
4-6 Ice Cubes

Whack it all in a blender for 2 minutes and you have yourself my LIFE MAKING, JUMP STARTING, GET UP and GRAB IT SMOOTHIE! Enjoy!

* I like to take a couple of ripe bananas and mangos at a time, peel and chop them and pop them in the freezer until I need them! This step is a must, as they are WAY BETTER frozen! Frozen banana and mango will make your smoothie so creamy you'll think it is full of ice cream!

**Greens powder is my little secret!!! It is AMAZING for energy boosting! It is a mix of various super greens, super foods and probiotics and is packed with nutrients!!!

***Flax seed is filled with omega fats which have endless health benefits!
~ Helps to prevent high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and weight gain
~ Promotes healthy skin, nails and hair
~ Increases Metabolism and helps you lose weight

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