Friday, October 14, 2011

One Minute Fix

It's hitting 3:00pm...

Lunch, is now only a distant memory...

As you dream about all the naughty things you could be eating, your mind is naturally conspiring a plan on how to get your hands on that block of chocolate or bag of chips, without the inevitable 'guilt factor' that follows.

Army crawls to the vending machine could result in many undesirable carpet burns and bruises, but my 'ONE MINUTE FIXES' are guilt free and take the pain out of snack time.

These are not designed to blow your mind, but instead stop those snack time blow outs!

Whether you are running out the door, running low on food or running head on into an epic 'GORGE-FEST', these one minute snack ideas will pull the reigns on food comas and regret, and get you on your way to having the perfect beach body.

Let me know how you enjoy my first 'One Minute Fix' recipe!


Quick List Ingredients:
2 Slices of your favorite deli sliced ham
1/2 Ripe Tomato, cut length ways
Fresh Basil
1 Bocconcini or 2 slices or fresh mozzarella
S + P

1. Lay ham flat out on a plate.
2. Slice tomato and bocconcini in 1/2 length ways and 1/2 again.
3. Arrange two slices of each in a line at one end of the slices of ham.
4. Top with S+P and a few leaves of fresh basil.
5. ROll UP and bon appetit! You have yourself a tasty, low calorie, belly fighting snack!

TIP: Try this same concept using deli sliced Chicken or Turkey, Avocado, Rocket and Dried Cranberries like the ones seen below!!!

Happy cooking foodies!

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