Monday, October 31, 2011


I love to eat an abundance of fruits and vegetables, but I AM NOT A RABBIT and therefore I enforce a NO RABBIT FOOD POLICY! 

You know exactly what I am talking about... Iceberg lettuce, tasteless tomatoes and carrot sticks! What a hideous excuse for a meal! You know what they say... You don't make friends with salad! And I am pretty sure that statement was aimed directly at that particular boring and lifeless combination! 

Food is supposed to put a smile on your face, replenish your bodies energy and fill that forever growing void in your tummy. Eating is meant to be a fun experience, which means filling up on foods that surprise your taste buds and satisfy you without the guilt of over indulging.

That is why I am going to make you a promise that I aim to keep for life! I promise that all of my salad recipes I pass down to you will be full of fresh and vibrant flavors, and tickle your taste buds until they are all giggled outFirst off the bat is my:


3          Chicken Breasts
2          Large Cucumbers, peeled
1          Medium Red Onion, finely 
2 cups   Strawberries, cut in half or    
1/2 cup Almonds, roughly chopped 
           S + P

1/3 cup Honey
1/2 cup Lime or Lemon Juice
1/2 cup Fresh Mint Leaves, finely chopped
1 TBS    Fresh Thyme Leaves, finely 
1/4 tsp  Cayenne Pepper
1 TBS    Sea Salt

1 ~ Boil 3 cups of water together with approximately 1 tsp each black pepper and salt. Once boiling place whole chicken breasts in the water to poach for approximately 13-15 minutes. Once the chicken is cooked all the way through, take out of water and leave aside to cool.
2 ~ In a large bowl mix together ingredients for the dressing. Whisk to combine.
3 ~ Cut cucumbers in half lengthways, and use a vegetable peeler to slice cucumbers into long ribbons. Once the peeler reaches the seeds, turn and repeat on the next side until all of the cucumber is sliced into ribbons. 
4 ~ Place cucumbers along with strawberries, almonds and red onion in the bowl along with the dressing.
5 ~ Take the cooled chicken breast and shred using two forks. Add chicken to the bowl and toss the salad ingredients together.


This salad is full of protein and tasty low GI ingredients, that will satisfy your taste buds and keep you satisfied. 

Happy Cooking Foodies!

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