Wednesday, October 26, 2011


All it takes is ONE

ONE thought provoking word to be mentioned... ONE picture to pop up on TV... ONE innocent idea from a friend... Which all lead me to ONE unbelievably whimsical moment in my mind, where I am living out my chubby kid dreams in my own version of candy-land. Mountains of decadent chocolate cake, lead to ice cream-falls (waterfalls made from ice cream) and various types candy coated baked goods! 

Once my transition into chubby mode begins, it is extremely hard to kick! I am all for indulging here and there, but when its 9 o'clock on a Wednesday night and your on the couch watching Seinfeld reruns, somehow it doesn't feel appropriate! 

SO why not embrace your inner chubbiness in a HEALTHY way!

Here is my RESCUE REMEDY for the persistent sugar craving. It is made from all natural ingredients, natural sugars, is very low in fat and will not disappoint! 

Serves 4-6
1                Pineapple
400 ml can  Coconut Milk
1/2 cup       Egg White
3 TBS          Malibu or Rum (optional)
15 drops      Stevia Extract *See note
1/2 tsp        Vanilla Extract
1/2 cup       Natural Almonds, halved lengthways (or slivered almonds)
1/3 cup       Shredded Coconut
2 TBS          Honey
1/4 tsp        Cayenne Pepper
1/2 tsp        Ground Sea Salt
                  Mint Leaves, to serve
1 ~ Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (160 degrees C). Grease sheet pan with a little olive oil.
2 ~ In a bowl, toss together almonds, honey, salt and cayenne pepper. Spread almonds evenly over the sheet pan so they are in one layer. Sprinkle coconut over the top, and place in the over for 8-10 minutes or until the almonds and coconut are a little golden. 3 3 ~ Remove from the oven, toss to combine and place sheet pan in freezer to chill.
4 ~ Bring coconut milk, vanilla and rum to a simmer in a saucepan over medium heat. Once coconut milk is simmering, reduce the heat to very low.
5 ~ Whisk egg white and stevia (or honey if using honey) in a bowl. Take about 1/3 of the warm coconut milk and slowly whisk it into the egg white mixture. 
6 ~ Now take this egg white mixture and pour it back in to the saucepan over very low heat.
7 ~ Using a spatula, stir and scrape the bottom and sides of this mixture continuously until it begins to thicken. This should take approximately 5-7 minutes of continuous stirring. 
8 ~ Once it reaches a custard like consistency, pour it into a bowl and refrigerate.
9 ~ Slice the head and bottom off your pineapple and place the flat bottom on your chopping board. Slice the outer skin off, a little by little until the pineapple is clean. 
10 ~ Cut the pineapple in half lengthways, and half again. Cut out the centre core of each and cut lengths into 1/2 inch (1cm) thick pieces.
11 ~ Heat a large saute pan on high heat. Once pan is extremely hot (almost smoking), place the pineapple in the pan in one layer (no overlapping). 
12 ~ Cook for 2 minutes, reduce the heat to medium, drizzle a little water in the pan and flip pineapple. Cook for another couple of minutes, adding water whenever the pan becomes dry.
13 ~ Serve the pineapple dark side up on a plate, drizzle with the coconut custard and crumble the almond brittle over the top. Add a few baby mint leaves and enjoy!

* Stevia is my favorite alternative to artificial sweetener or sugar. Stevia is pure plant extract derived from the Stevia plant, and is approximately 15 times sweeter sugar. It is 100 % pure and contains no nasty harmful chemicals like artificial sweeteners do, and the best part is it is CALORIE FREE. It comes in liquid form or granulated, and you can use it in tea, coffee, desserts and it can replace sugar in many food items. I personally like the liquid form but if using the granulated form I would say 1-2 tsp should do the trick! 
** If Stevia is unavailable use 2 TBS of honey in its place.


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